Hello Band Families,
December marks the beginning of the concert season as well as pep band season. The band plays at all basketball games and are separated into different groups. Your student should know what group they are in for the pep band already as well as what games they will perform. Our first concert is Dec. 11th in the PAC at 7 pm. Please plan to attend this event as the students really get to showcase their talent. Pay close attention to emails and/or text reminds for changes in rehearsal schedules should there be any. During inclement weather we don’t email last-minute schedule changes out, we will send out text reminds. REMINDERS
FUNDRAISING A big THANK YOU to students and families who have worked so hard to raise funds for band. Our efforts provide quality experiences for our students and help to keep our band dues low. This fiscal year started in May 2019. Fundraising amounts were emailed to band and color guard families, and are shared at booster meetings. UPCOMING: Band Spirit Nights - Details coming soon! January 15th - Red Robin February 25th - Chipotle April/May: Savers Drive and Hanging Baskets - Stay Tuned! Students will be receiving their donation slips back before Winter Break so they can personally thank donors if they so choose. Donors will be receiving their tax donation receipt via email if they provided an email address. Thank you to those who participated! More donations continue to trickle into the box! SCRIP For those who ordered physical gift cards, look for an email next week with information about delivery/pick-up of the cards. The hope and plan is for them to be available for pickup at the Winter Concert on December 11th. Even if you didn’t order physical gift cards, you can still sign up for Scrip. It’s an easy way to REDUCE YOUR BAND FEES FOR THE 2020-2021 BAND YEAR!!!! Over 700 retailers offer e-gift cards: Amazon.com, Kohl’s, iTunes, Target, Applebee’s, Home Depot, Delta Airlines, Starbucks and many more! You pay and spend face value; the company gives a rebate back to you (anywhere from 1.5% to 16%)! 100% of your rebate goes into your student’s personal band account. If you aren't sure what Scrip is, visit our website for a full-page explanation. To start the registration process, go to http://www.bvswband.org/scrip.html Questions? Please contact Jennifer Magee. DECEMBER IN BAND Fri., Dec. 6 5:15 pm-9:15 pm Pep Band Doubleheader, first gamer of the year! Everyone is in - students with sports or school-related conflicts should see Lesando during class. Tue., Dec 10 7am-7:50am Symphonic Band Rehearsal Wed., Dec 11 7am-7:50am Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 7 pm to 9 pm Winter Concert Students report to band room by 5:45pm Fri., Dec 13 4 pm to 8 pm BVSW Wind Ensemble Camp This will be for Wind Ensemble Students only. This camp will focus on literature preparation for Cincinnati with clinicians and a guest conductor. Dinner will be served and will be approximately $10. Have a great month, Shelbe Krone BVSW Band Boosters President
Hello Band Families,
Now that marching season is over, things slow down quite a bit and that includes emails. I will send one out monthly with brief, informational emails as needed. The entire month of November is on the calendar below and of course, everything is fluid so keep an eye out for changes. For now, please note that students in Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will have 2-3 rehearsals at 7 am before their winter concert (December 11th) in order to integrate the percussion and wind sections. These will be announced in class approximately one week before the rehearsal. After the spring semester starts, we will have a good grasp on who is not in the concert band and those families will be removed from the main email list but will be notified when we have the end of the year band awards ceremony, etc. As always, feel free to shoot us an email if you have any questions. REMINDERS
COLOR GUARD Anyone interested in Winter Guard should contact Ms. Bock about dates. We will be holding some clinics in the beginning of November for those interested. Strong movement skills are encouraged and would suggest getting with a color guard member to learn the warm-up exercises before we start to get a grasp of what is being asked. All skills will be taught for the show, the correct attitude and work ethic are needed to make this competitive group successful. Any student in attendance at BVSW is welcome to audition, more information will be going out through the school. Check out the color guard Instagram, BVSWColorguard, for all social media posts as well as a link to the sign-up sheet for winter guard in the bio link. SCRIP- Fall Ordering for Physical Gift Cards Want to REDUCE YOUR BAND FEES FOR THE 2020-2021 BAND YEAR??!!!! Scrip is a great way to shop for the holidays while 'double-dipping' and reducing your band fees. 100% of your rebate goes into your student’s personal band account. If you aren't sure what Scrip is, visit our website for a full-page explanation. We are accepting orders through Monday, December 2nd for physical gift cards purchased at www.ShopWithScrip.com. Orders will be released and processed for delivery on or around the December 11th Winter Concert. Over 700 retailers offer physical gift cards. Amazon.com, Kohl’s, iTunes, Target, Applebee’s, Home Depot, Delta Airlines, Starbucks and many more! You pay and spend face value; the company gives a rebate back to you (anywhere from 1.5% to 16%)! New to Scrip? To start the registration process, go to http://www.bvswband.org/scrip.html Note: Please allow 3-5 business days for Online Payment (PrestoPay) enrollment. Questions? Please contact Jennifer Magee. NOVEMBER IN BAND Tue Nov 5 7pm Band Booster Meeting, BVSW Orchestra Room Thu Nov 7 BUTTER BRAID ORDERS ARE DUE TODAY Sat Nov 9 7am-3pm ECKMEA Auditions, Olathe East HS Fri Nov 22 Butter Braids delivered to band room. Will be asking for volunteers to help with distribution. Immediately after school Have a great month, Shelbe Krone |