NOTE FROM MR LESANDO: Happy summer! I hope you all have had some time off and if not, you were doing something that you enjoy and spending time with those who are important to you. Please see the reminders I have below regarding the next couple of weeks.
See you in a couple of weeks and please reach out with any questions! Musically, Mr. Lesando NOTE FROM YOUR BAND BOOSTERS BOARD: Hello band parents!! To those returning band families, WELCOME BACK! To the new band families, WELCOME, we are so happy you have decided to join us! If we haven’t met, I am Shelbe Krone and am the 2019-2020 BVSW Marching Band Booster President. This email is LONG but full of information that will help you navigate the entire marching season. Please read closely and by all means, if you have any questions, ask! You will find most of what you need to know is here on our website, but your board is here to answer questions as well so please don’t hesitate. The following is a rundown of what’s going to be happening in your band student’s life during marching season. Hopefully, it will help ease any anxiety you or your student may have. If you would like to donate snacks for students to eat at band camp, please follow the link: NEW THIS YEAR your student MUST have a sports physical on file before the start of the school year. It may be turned in on the first day of school however the physical must be dated on or after May 1, 2019. You can find these forms titled “Participation Packet” on the band's website. COMMUNICATION: I will be emailing you a lot, especially during the marching season. My goal is to send out weekly email blasts during marching season on behalf of Mr. Lesando, Ms. Bock, and the boosters. They will not be this long, I promise. I will tone it down a bit to monthly or bi-monthly emails when we move into concert season. In addition to emails, you will receive Remind texts with last-minute details of the band (such as cancellations, departure/arrival times, etc). This is information that is NOT emailed. You are automatically signed up for Remind when you register on the website. If you have not registered on the website, please do so now. If you want to opt-out of Remind text alerts, please email Mr. Lesando. We also publish social media blasts (have you liked us on FB yet? If not, here’s the link and you can do it now. ) as well as put the booster meeting minutes on the band's website under the Members tab. (We emailed the password to band families.) So basically, there are several avenues for you to get the information you need if you can’t find it quickly in your emails. UNIFORM FITTINGS: JULY 27 We need lots of hands to help pull this off as it is crazy busy. If you can help please let Kelley Tuel know - we will also send out a Sign Up Genius soon. Please have your students show up at the assigned time listed on the schedule below. If this time does not work, please email Kelley Tuel at [email protected]. Please have your student wear their black socks, compression shirts, and shorts from last year. If they do not have those, they will need to purchase them. Note: they must be free of logos. Compression shirts are available to order during uniform fittings however compression shorts and socks are not. SPIRIT WEAR *Coming Soon* SPIRIT WEAR FOR SALE ONLINE JULY 22 THROUGH AUGUST 4 -This is the only Spirit wear order for the entire year -Parents, this online store is your only opportunity to purchase a Show Shirt -Watch the band website and communications for store "opening" ( -New this year - Corps Style Jackets! -Several other new items added as well, so check the store! *** Please have your child check-in at the Apparel table the first day of band camp. We are missing several sizes and need a complete list for ordering.**** ***Design for polos is new this year. If your child is a Sophomore or above and they want the new polo with the new design/logo it must be purchased through the online apparel store. They do NOT have to purchase a new polo, it is not required and they can wear the one from last year. Freshman will receive a polo shirt as part of their initial fees, they do not have to purchase one unless an additional polo is desired. COLOR GUARD Please note the Color Guard camp times for the first week of camp. They are different from the past. BAND STUDENT BBQ AND PARENT SOCIAL TBD but we’re thinking around the end of July. Stay tuned….. BAND FEE #2 DUE JULY 27 ($200) The second installment of band dues will be due on or before July 27th. Please note your student's full name and purpose of payment in the memo line (ex. John Smith, dues and shoes). There is a dropbox in the band room your student can deliver the check to. You should have received a statement via email showing your balance. If you did not, please email Pam Dorsch so she can fix the problem. FUNDRAISING Mums are back again this year! The fundraiser will begin during band camp and the kids can sell until August 30th. The mums will be in 9" pots 12-18" wide and 12-16" tall. The color choices are Yellow, Purple/Pink, Red, Orange/Bronze, and White. Pickup of the mums will be September 21st from 8 am-12 pm in the school parking lot. Do you remember how big and gorgeous they were last year?? I have already had people ask me when we are doing this fundraiser again. NEXT THREE WEEKS IN BAND: (refer to the calendar on the website for more details) Monday, July 15 Leadership Retreat 7am-5pm Tuesday, July 16 Percussion Fundamentals Camp 8am-4pm Color Guard Fundamentals Camp 1pm-8pm Wednesday, July 17 Percussion Fundamentals Camp 8am-4pm Color Guard Fundamentals Camp 1pm-8pm Thursday, July 18 New Member Training Camp 8am-4pm Percussion Fundamentals Camp 8am-4pm Color Guard Fundamentals Camp 2pm-8pm Friday, July 19 New Member Training Camp 8am-4pm Percussion Fundamentals Camp 8am-4pm Color Guard Fundamentals Camp 2pm-8pm Saturday, July 27 Uniform Band Fittings 2nd installment of band dues $200 *SENIORS with last name A-L 8:30-9:15, M-Z 9:15-10:00 *JUNIORS A-L 10:00-10:45, M-Z 10:45-11:30 *SOPHOMORES A-L 11:30-12:30, M-Z 12:30-1:30 *FRESHMAN A-L 1:30-2:30, M-Z 2:30-3:30 July 22-Aug 2 FULL BAND CAMP 7am-5pm Tuesday, August 13 Band Booster Meeting 7 pm, Orchestra Room That should cover most of it. I can’t believe how quickly this summer is going by and that we are already gearing up for band camp! I know my band member is excited to get back to it (although she’d probably deny it if asked). Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments/questions/concerns. Shelbe Krone BVSW Band Boosters President Comments are closed.